Patch Therapy

Patch therapy is a treatment where one eye is covered to encourage the use of the weaker eye. It is most effective in helping young children strengthen an under-developed eye. The earlier the treatment begins, the stronger the weaker eye becomes. This is commonly used to treat lazy eye and squint.

In both cases, one eye is weaker than the other. The patch covers the good eye, forcing the child to use the weaker eye. In this way, the weaker eye becomes stronger.

What to Expect: About Patch Therapy

  • Wearing the patch can be very uncomfortable. If your child wears spectacles, put the patch on before the glasses. The patch should be stuck on the face, not the glasses.
  • The edge of the patch should be carefully sealed so the good eye is completely blocked.
  • As an alternative, homemade patches / special glasses can be used instead of a patch in older children
  • Patching schedules should be strictly followed.
  • Young children may initially resist wearing the patch. Hence, start with short periods of time and slowly increase the timings for better results.
  • During patching: Older children should read and younger children should play fun games/eye exercises.
  • Your child will start accepting the patch when vision improves in the weaker eye.
  • Regular follow-up visits are a must.

Side Effects:

Patch therapy is very safe and has no side effects.